The lowdown on the SLC


millions of futures

We may finance students to the tune of billions of pounds.But it may surprise you to know we don’t make a penny in profit.

We’re government-owned and our whole purpose is to make things happen for the country. That’s a nice feeling. Everyone is a shareholder in a way. What we do is enable. We open up the future for anyone with the drive and dedication to make the most of further and higher education. Trusted, transparent, flexible and accessible student finance services. That’s what we’re all about.

We do it from four locations across the UK:

  • Bothwell Street, Central Glasgow
  • Darlington, North East England
  • Hillington, on the outskirts of Glasgow
  • Llandudno Junction, North Wales

In each of them, we’re completely focused on enabling student opportunity by unlocking the door to the finance and customer support they need to get on.

It means working hand-in-hand with government to make higher and further education happen. So, along with the Department for Education and our partners in the devolved administrations, we make sure everyone gets what they need to afford a priceless opportunity all of their very own.

How do we do it?

By making the full end-to-end apply, assess, pay and repay process work like clockwork. What we do varies slightly across the UK but, essentially, any payment that’s available by right to anyone, we do our bit to make sure they can access it with minimum fuss and maximum support. Loans. Grants. Bursaries. If there’s an under-graduate or postgraduate that’s entitled to one, we deliver.

But all you really need to know is when it comes to money and students, we make the world go round. Apply. Assess. Pay. Repay.